The Growing Threat of Drones in Israel: Insights and Solutions

The Growing Threat of Drones in Israel: Insights and Solutions

The threat posed by drones against military forces, civilians, and strategic facilities has significantly evolved in recent years. Since October 7, 2023, during the ongoing conflict in Gaza and Lebanon, Israel has witnessed various drone attacks across a wide range of operational zones—areas that were previously not considered at risk. To better understand these threats and how to prepare for or defend against them, we spoke with Yogev Yadin, the Regional Manager for Africa and the Middle East at Skylock.

“Many areas that were not previously threatened by commercial drones have quickly entered the circle of threats, presenting a significant danger to both military forces on the ground and to civilian and strategic installations,” explains Yogev. “In the past, operating aircraft was the exclusive domain of militaries and came at a high cost. Today, however, this technology is accessible to anyone at a low cost.” The damage a single drone can cause is significant, especially considering the minimal financial investment and ease of operation required.

“In the Russia-Ukraine war, we have already seen the massive use of commercial drones by the various forces involved in the conflict. Unfortunately, Israel experienced this for the first time on October 7, when the Hamas terrorist organization used drones extensively in the initial stages of the fighting to neutralize critical systems. They later used drones to target concentrations of soldiers both inside and outside Gaza, as well as against civilian targets,” Yogev explains.

The threats are not only growing but also evolving, with new dangers emerging that are being discussed on social media, such as drone attacks on civilian communities, high-profile individuals, and strategic facilities. Given this reality, Yogev estimates that there will be no choice but to prepare more extensively to prevent harm to innocent people through these means.

Multi-Layered Defense: Preparing for Drone Threats

Addressing and preparing for drone threats can be approached through multiple layers and various means. The systems deployed to counter these threats must provide optimal detection while quickly neutralizing attacking drones, all while considering that our forces may be operating drones in the same area for defensive purposes.

Yogev points out that Skylock offers a range of systems relevant to different scenarios and operational conditions. “At the tactical unit level, especially for special forces, we have wearable systems, providing early indications and even neutralizing attacking drones at short ranges and in urban environments.”

Additionally, Yogev mentions that there are medium-range systems capable of operating either on moving vehicles or in a static position. These systems offer fast and accurate detection, the integration of AI capabilities for broader situational awareness, and other features that cannot be disclosed. Among the portable options, there are several mobile jamming systems designed for the rapid and widespread neutralization of multiple drones, whether they are part of a swarm or operating individually, from distances of several Km.

To protect strategic sites and borders, there are multi-layered systems that include radars, detectors, cameras that operate around the clock, and various neutralization systems (blocking and jamming) for long-range threats. In these systems, Yogev explains, all the sensors “communicate” with each other, sharing the information with a unified command and control center (C&C), where the operator can make the best decision to counter the imminent threat and neutralize it in the most effective way to ensure the safety of our forces.

Success Stories and Ongoing Development

“We can say with confidence that there are numerous instances where drones, including reconnaissance drones with cameras and armed drones, have been intercepted and neutralized by Skylock systems in several countries worldwide,” says Yogev. The alerts received from Skylock’s systems help forces defend against attacks on their positions.

“This brings us pride and joy, knowing that we are contributing to the protection and saving of lives. However, as a company, we continue to develop new systems and create custom solutions for our clients to ensure they have the best and most suitable equipment for their needs,” concludes Yogev.

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